Harry Potter Spells List Printable

Calling all Harry Potter fans! Have you ever wondered about all the magical spells in the wizarding world? Well, we’ve got you covered! Check out these amazing images showcasing a comprehensive list of Harry Potter spells. From the classics like Wingardium Leviosa to lesser-known charms, these spells are sure to captivate your imagination.

  1. Wingardium Leviosa

Harry Potter spells - Wingardium LeviosaFirst on our list is the iconic spell, Wingardium Leviosa. This spell, famously taught by Professor Flitwick, allows you to levitate objects with a flick of your wand. Just remember: it’s “wing-GAR-dium le-vi-O-sa,” not “wingar-dium levios-aaa.”

  1. Expecto Patronum

Harry Potter spells - Expecto PatronumNext up is the impressive summoning charm, Expecto Patronum. This spell is used to conjure a Patronus, a powerful guardian that can ward off Dementors. Channel your happiest memories when casting this spell!

  1. Accio

Harry Potter spells - AccioNeed something to come to you? Look no further than Accio! With a simple “Accio” followed by the name of the desired object, this summoning charm will bring it right to your fingertips. No more searching for misplaced items!

  1. Lumos

Harry Potter spells - LumosWhen it’s dark and you need a light, Lumos is the spell to rely on. This charm illuminates the tip of your wand, providing a helpful source of light in dark places. Just be careful not to use it under your bed covers!

  1. Expelliarmus

Harry Potter spells - ExpelliarmusExpelliarmus, the disarming charm, is a staple spell in any wizard’s arsenal. It’s used to disarm opponents by forcefully knocking their wands out of their hands. Perfect for duels or tense situations!

  1. Alohomora

Harry Potter spells - AlohomoraLocked out of a room? Alohomora is here to save the day! This unlocking charm can open most doors and padlocks, making it incredibly handy for sneaking around Hogwarts or exploring hidden passages.

  1. Sectumsempra

Harry Potter spells - SectumsempraSectumsempra is a powerful, dark spell invented by none other than Severus Snape. It causes deep, slashing cuts on the victim, making it a dangerous and potent hex. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!

  1. Protego

Harry Potter spells - ProtegoProtego is a defensive spell used to create a shield that protects the caster from incoming spells and curses. It’s an essential spell for self-defense in the wizarding world, so make sure to practice this one!

  1. Petrificus Totalus

Harry Potter spells - Petrificus TotalusIf you want to immobilize someone, Petrificus Totalus is the spell to use. It temporarily freezes the victim, rendering them immobile. Use it responsibly, as it can cause significant inconvenience to the person on the receiving end!

  1. Riddikulus

Harry Potter spells - RiddikulusWhen facing a Boggart, cast Riddikulus to turn your greatest fear into something humorous. Laughter is the best defense against these shape-shifting creatures!

These are just a few of the fantastic spells in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. With countless enchantments to discover, there’s never a dull moment when it comes to magic. So, grab your wand and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of spells!